Person-Centered Planning


Person-centered planning is an ongoing individual planning process that is designed to capture your dreams and desires and translate them into a plan of action. Person-centered planning is a way to listen and take direction from you and the people who know you best. It focuses on your preferences, strengths, and talents rather than your limitations. Person-centered planning organizes and uses natural supports like family, friends, acquaintances, and formal community supports and services to help you achieve the things important to you.

Our custom plans cater to people with disabilities to live freely. While participating in the self-determination and planning process, we will make sure that the plans are clear and ready to be implemented for the self-determination program. 

We are certified in person-centered practices and have completed all relevant training for Independent Facilitation in California, holding Independent Facilitator certifications from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Autism Society of Los Angeles, WRC Self-Determination Advisory Committee, and Disability Voices United. We also completed an advanced 8-week Independent Facilitator training with Guidelight Group.